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Showing posts from July, 2018

Lama Menjomblo Ternyata Beresiko Mati Muda ''Sebarkan''

Ada hal yang mengejutkan terutama bagi yang masih belum menikah atau memiliki pasangan, pasalnya terlalu lama menjomblo beresiko mati muda. Hal itu disebutkan oleh hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh University of Louisville, Kentucky. Penelitian itu dilakukan terhadap 500 juta responden, dan hasilnya cukup mengejutkan, dimana ditemukan bahwa wanita yang lama hidup menyendiri meninggal dunia 15 tahun lebih cepat dari wanita yang sudah menikah. Sementara pria justru meninggal dunia 17 tahun lebih cepat dari pria yang telah menikah. Seperti dilansir Dailymail, para jomblo pada penelitian itu merupakan mereka yang belum pernah menikah, bukan janda maupun duda. Selain itu peneliti menemukan, risiko kematian pria yang lama jomblo meningkat hingga 32 persen, sedangkan wanita 23 persennya. "Jika Anda telah memiliki pasangan, tentunya dia akan menyarankan Anda makan lebih baik, atau berkonsultasi ke dokter. Terkadang kita lebih mudah sehat dan tidak b

Selama Kehamilanku, Suami Melarang Makan “Makanan Laut” Kesukaanku! Ternyata Alasan Dibaliknya Mampu Menyelamatkan Janinku!

Ibu hamil harus semakin selektif menjaga asupan makanan dan minuman. Jika tidak, makanan berbahaya dengan risiko kontaminasi bakteri atau parasit bisa mengancam keselamatan ibu dan buah hati. Ketika sedang mengandung, apa yang Ibu makan dan minum turut memengaruhi kesehatan buah hati dalam kandungan, bahkan setelah dilahirkan. Banyak makanan dan minuman yang mudah ditemui sehari-hari ternyata berpotensi menimbulkan bahaya bagi perkembangan Si Kecil. Makanan atau minuman tersebut bisa saja sudah terkontaminasi bakteri, parasit, atau mineral berbahaya seperti: 1. Listeria monocytogenes, bakteri penyebab infeksi listeriosis dengan ciri-ciri termasuk badan terasa nyeri, lelah, dan demam. Bakteri ini dapat dengan mudah masuk ke dalam plasenta hingga menyebabkan infeksi yang mengancam kelangsungan hidup bayi dalam kandungan, bayi lahir prematur, bayi meninggal dalam kandungan, dan keguguran. 2. Toxoplasma gondii, parasit penyebab infeksi toxoplasmosis dengan gejalanya seperti lelah, demam,

Digerebek Ngamar di Hotel, Dosen Perempuan Pilih Mati Ketimbang Ini

Mantan pejabat BPBD Sumbar, AE digerebek saat berduaan dengan oknum dosen OS, 40, di kamar hotel Melati Padang. Petugas Dinas Satpol PP Sumatera Barat (Sumbar) mengupayakan proses mediasi agar kasusnya diselesaikan secara kekeluargaan. Namun, istri AE enggan berdamai atas kasus yang telah mencoreng nama baik keluarganya. Apalagi, sang istri ikut langsung melihat suaminya berduaan dengan perempuan lain di kamar hotel, Senin (9/7) itu. Kepala Dinas Satpol PP Sumbar, Zul Aliman mengakui, informasi keberadaan oknum AE dan oknum OS di kamar hotel Melati itu berawal dari laporan keluarga AE. Pihaknya mendapat laporan sekitar pukul 13.10 Wib. Lantas, anggota Satpol PP Sumbar pun dikerahkan menuju hotel Melati di kawasan Ulak Karang, Kota Padang. "Saat anggota sampai di sana, ternyata istri oknum AE sudah berdiri di depan pintu kamar tersebut. Lalu, petugas langsung membuka pintu," terang Zul Aliman menceritakan kronologis penangkapan pasangan ilegal tersebut pada awak media di kan

Miris, Mabuk Air Rebusan Pembalut Wanita Jadi Tren Baru di Karawang

Finding women’s car insurance at a low cost was a lot easier than it was for men. This is down to the fact that women drivers have statistically fewer accidents and make fewer claims, enabling insurers to reward them with lower premiums. Statistics say that average 90 percent accident occurs in case of male drivers. Car insurance companies also consider driving record, age, and gender while offering cheap car insurance. Women drivers are preferable then men drivers because male drivers are more risky for insurance companies. To buy the cheapest car insurance for women, there are few things to be considered like safety driving courses, types of coverage and discount policy and these factors I will discuss in this article. After reading this post women will get the ideas about how to find cheapest car insurance and what factors they should keep in mind. Cheap Car Insurance For Women over 25 Cheap Car Insurance For Women over 25 Cheap Car Insurance For Women Over 25 Car insurance comp

Aku Takut Istriku "Mau Menikah" denganku karena Harta. Suatu Hari Aku Tak Sengaja Melihatnya Mandi, Malam Itu Juga Aku "Serahkan Uangku" Kepadannya

Deductible – The total amount you must pay out out-of-pocket for loss before your insurance policies will pay a great insurance claim is the deductible. If you then have a $100 deductible, as an example, and your car sustains $1, 000 worthy of of damage, you should pay $100 before your insurer pays the rest of the $900. Deductibles ‘re normally found in variety of $100, $250, $500 as well as $1, 000, but are vastly different from state to mention or by service provider. Also note that how much your deductible is usually inversely related to how much your insurance high quality. Plainly stated, greater money you’re prepared pay out-of-pocket to your repairs, the lower your insurance premium will likely be and vice versa. Electronic Proof Insurance – Uh oh, you’ve just been stopped and, as the officer approaches your car, you realize there is a constant put your fresh insurance cards with your glove box. Electronic proof of insurance permits you to display your insurance card on the o

Para Istri, Waspadai Hal Ini Jika Gaji Lebih Besar dari Suami

business insurance, Home insurance, insurance, insurance online, life insurance, Qualifying for life insurance coverage with cardiovascular disease may be difficult, but it is certainly possible. In the US, the #1 cause of death is cardiovascular disease and many individuals who have been diagnosed think life insurance coverage is out of the question. If you have heart disease, life insurance ought to be a top priority for you if anyone depends on your wages. The higher the probability that something bad will happen to you, the more you should have the coverage. How hard will it be to get coverage? If you smoke or have other health issues like diabetes or you are overweight, it will be extremely difficult for you to get coverage. This is the reason it is so vital that you make lifestyle changes that will demonstrate you are taking care of the situation and that your health issues have stabilized. All insurance companies approach medical underwriting diffe

Ingat! Jangan Pernah Meminjamkan Uang Pada 3 Tipe Manusia Ini. No 3 Paling Banyak di Indonesia

business insurance, Home insurance, insurance, insurance online, life insurance, Qualifying for life insurance coverage with cardiovascular disease may be difficult, but it is certainly possible. In the US, the #1 cause of death is cardiovascular disease and many individuals who have been diagnosed think life insurance coverage is out of the question. If you have heart disease, life insurance ought to be a top priority for you if anyone depends on your wages. The higher the probability that something bad will happen to you, the more you should have the coverage. How hard will it be to get coverage? If you smoke or have other health issues like diabetes or you are overweight, it will be extremely difficult for you to get coverage. This is the reason it is so vital that you make lifestyle changes that will demonstrate you are taking care of the situation and that your health issues have stabilized. All insurance companies approach medical underwriting diffe